Thirty-four carcasses of adults and calves were later found on the coast. Theobald speculated that the grinds had beached themselves due to a mistake by the group’s leader. “Strong social bonds can lead to a herd following a sick or disoriented leader into trouble,” he explained. The Australian also added that no animals have been rescued. This could indicate that they were all sick with something.
Grinds are a genus of marine mammals from the dolphin family. Individuals vary in length from 3.6 to 8.5 meters, and the average weight is 800 kilograms. These animals have very strong social bonds, and their groups can be up to 100 individuals. In English, the grind is called pilot whale (pilot whale), as the group is always managed by one leader. This, according to experts, is what can lead to their mass strandings if the leader falls ill or makes a mistake.
In July, 43 black dolphins beached themselves and refused to return to the water in the state of Western Australia. Veterinarians decided to put the animals to sleep.